Here is the code I have. I'm trying to do a string comparison. A serial input reads what keys are pressed and sets cmd.command to what was typed on the keyboard. Then I take that and do a string comparison to see if it is a command that's within my list. What I'm stuck on is the string comparison.
typedef struct {
const char *cmd;
void (*cmdFuncPtr)(void);
typedef struct {
char command[16];
char argument[16];
} Command;
Command cmd;
CmdStruct cmdStructArray[] = { {"led", LEDHandler },
{"relay", RelayFunction }, };
void ProcessCommand() {
for (j = 0; j < sizeof(cmdStructArray)/sizeof(cmdStructArray[0]); j++) {
if(strcmp(cmdStructArray[j].cmd, cmd.command) == 0) {
// do stuff
If I type in "led", then these two printf statements print the same thing.
printf("%s", cmd.command);
How can I get the string comparison to work?
I found a fix, and now strcmp works. I changed the struct in the struct array. Now it's
typedef struct {
char cmd[16];
void (*cmdFuncPtr)(void);
I don't know why this works, and don't know what the difference is. The const char *cmd I had before is also a way to create a "string" in C.