I'm building a menu in EpiServer where I only want to include items that is of a certain pagetype. If the repeated item has a pagetype that equals "X" then print it out, else don't do nothing.
<span class="menu-level-1">
<%# Container.CurrentPage.PageTypeName == "NameOfPageType" ? "Something": "" %>
<span class="menu-divider"></span>
I want to print out every (who meets the criteria) items pagename, i.e:
<EPiServer:Property PropertyName="PageName" runat="server">
What is the correct syntax for exceuting code rather than printing out "Something"?
You could go with either:
<%# Container.CurrentPage.PageTypeName == "NameOfPageType" ? Container.CurrentPage.PageName : "" %>
or wrap your Property control with a standard ASP.NET PlaceHolder control:
<span class="menu-level-1">
<asp:PlaceHolder runat="server" Visible=<%# Container.CurrentPage.PageTypeName == "NameOfPageType" %> >
<EPiServer:Property PropertyName="PageName" runat="server" />
<span class="menu-divider"></span>