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Partial class in MyClass.xaml not recognized by partial class in MyClass.xaml.cs

I have a class, partially defined in XAML and partially in code:

The file ElementResource.xaml looks like this:

<ResourceDictionary  x:Class="TestElement.Views.ElementResource"

    <DataTemplate x:Key="TestTemplate"  DataType="{x:Type vm:TestElementViewModel1}">


The rest of the class *ElementResource" is defined in code in the file ElementResource.xaml.cs like this:

using System.ComponentModel.Composition;
using System.Windows;

namespace TestElement.Views
    public partial class ElementResource : ResourceDictionary

For some reason, the class part defined in XAML is not recognized in the "code-behind":

Not recognized

Also, the DataTemplate defined in XAML is not contained in the resource dictionary after initialization.

I've tried building and rebuilding, Ctrl+Shift+s and double-checked the requirements for partial classes here.

What am I missing??


  • Ok, I got it: I copied and pasted the xaml file from another project and on pasting the file to the current project, it's BuildAction property changed to none which I didn't notice... Swithcing it to Page makes the xaml part known...

    Thanks for your help, everybody!