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Catching DoesNotExist exception in a custom manager in Django

I have a custom manager for a Django model. I don't seem to be able to catch DoesNotExist exception here. I know how to do it inside the model but it didn't work here:

class TaskManager(models.Manager):
    def task_depend_tree(self, *args, **kwargs):
        if "id" in kwargs:
                task = self.get(id=kwargs["id"])
            except DoesNotExist:
                raise Http404

Get_object_or_404 doesn't work either. What is wrong here?


  • Try either using ObjectDoesNotExist instead of DoesNotExist or possibly self.DoesNotExist. If all else fails, just try and catch a vanilla Exception and evaluate it to see it's type().

    from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist