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Simulated two keyevents with adb shell for ALT, SHIFT, etc

With adb shell input keyevent certain key events can be simulated. There are also modifier keys like SHIFT_LEFT, ALT_RIGHT etc.

I would like to simulate two keys, for instance SHIFT + A, but

 adb shell input keyevent SHIFT_LEFT; keyevent A

results only in a simple a on the screen.


  • if Shift + A is needed then you will have to do following sequence

    Press shift
    Press A
    Release A
    Release shift

    this can be done by using

    command format: sendevent device type code value

    [command]     [device]             [type]    [code]   [value]
    sendevent    /dev/input/event0    1          229      1

    /dev/input/event0 is the device to send it to

    [type] 1 is unknow for me ( maybe code for physical button on device )

    [code] 229 is the MENU button of the emulator

    [value] 1 is keydown or press down ( for keyup or up use 0 )

    i wrote a batch file for sending the event to the device like below:

    adb -s emulator-5554 shell sendevent /dev/input/event0 1 229 1
    adb -s emulator-5554 shell sendevent /dev/input/event0 1 229 0
