how can i tell jpgraph to show x-axis ticks every month? I have two charts, in one i show results from 1 year and on other i show results from beginning to end. On year graph it shows weekly results and i like it but in case of showing bigger date range (in my case from 1.4.2010. till 10.1.2013. it show tick only every one year so i have tick on 1.4.2010, 1.4.2011, ...
Important part of the code where i define x-axis properties:
Timestamp array is unix timestamp values converted from mysql dates,and timestamps are correct. I checked them. Also results in the graphs are fine, only i want more ticks on x axis.
To answer my own question,and close it, here is what i added (combined with old xaxis properties):
require_once ('jpgraph/');
$dateUtils = new DateScaleUtils();
list($tickPos,$minTickPos) = $dateUtils->getTicks($timestamp,DSUTILS_MONTH1);
Also i changed scale of graph to intlin, it was datlin before.