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iOS : Getting FriendList along with respective name, id and picture using FBGraph API

You can get friendList along with respective name and id using FBGraph API like this:

  FbGraphResponse *fb_graph_response = [fbgraph doGraphGet:@"/me/friends" withGetVars:nil];

But how to get name, id and picture of all friends using FBGraph API?


  • You can get friendList along with respective name, id and picture using FBGraph API like this:

    NSDictionary *param=[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:@"picture,name",@"fields", nil];
    FbGraphResponse *fb_graph_response = [fbgraph doGraphGet:@"/me/friends" withGetVars:param];

    Response will be

    data = {
       id = 100001625299089;
       name = "Name here";
       picture = {
                  data = {
                          s_silhouette" = 0;
                          url = "url here";
        //all other friends here

    EDIT : You can loaction, birthday, and many other fields listed in FBGraph API Documentation.

    Just change param dictionary in above code

     NSDictionary *param=[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:@"picture,name,location,birthday",@"fields", nil];