I need to know the IP adress of the sender of the ARP reply.I tried using recvfrom but I can't get the IP address from it.Thank you for the help.
I have some child processes that each send a ARP requst to an IP adress.The problem is that the response comes to all the children because the socket is raw so I need somehow to know for what child the response arrived.I tried
struct sockaddr_ll linkLayerAddr;
char buf[32];
int sockaddr_len=sizeof(linkLayerAddr);
if(recvfrom(sock,buf,sizeof(buf),0,(struct sockaddr*)&linkLayerAddr,&sockaddr_len)==-1){
}//se primeste raspunsul
I wait 800000 nanosecond for a reply and I want to know for what IP the message came.With recvfrom i can only get the MAC adress.
Emile, i have already replied to the same question.
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