I have a polling application developed in Delphi 6. It reads a file, parse the file according to specification, performs validation and uploads into database (SQL Server 2008 Express Edition)
We had to provide support for Operating Systems having Double Byte Character Sets (DBCS) e.g. Japanese OS. So, we changed the database fields in SQL Server from varchar to nvarchar.
Polling works fine in Operating Systems with DBCS. It also works successfully for non-DBCS Operating systems, if the System Locale is set to Japanese/Chinese/Korean and Operating system has the respective language pack. But, if the Locale is set to english then, the database contains junk characters for the double byte characters.
I performed a few tests but failed to identify the solution.
e.g. If I read from a UTF-8 file using a TStringList and save it to another file then, the Unicode data is saved. But, if I use the contents of the file to run an update query using TADOQuery component then, the junk characters are shown. The database also contains the junk characters.
PFB the sample code:
stlTemp : TStringList;
qry : TADOQuery;
stQuery : string;
stlTemp := TStringList.Create;
qry := TADOQuery.Create(nil);
//stlTemp.SaveToFile('D:\DelphiUnicode\1.txt'); // This works. Even though
//the stlTemp.Strings[0] contains junk characters if seen in watch
stQuery := 'UPDATE dbo.receivers SET company = ' + QuotedStr(stlTemp.Strings[0]) +
' WHERE receiver_cd = N' + QuotedStr('Receiver');
//company is a nvarchar field in the database
qry.Connection := ADOConnection1;
with qry do
The above code works fine in a DBCS Operating system.
I have tried playing with string,widestring and UTF8String. But, this does not work in English OS if the locale is set to English.
Please provide any pointers for this issue.
In non Unicode Delphi version, The basics are that you need to work with WideString
s (Unicode) instead of String
s (Ansi).
Forget about TADOQuery.SQL
(TStrings), and work with TADODataSet.CommandText
or TADOCommand.CommandText
(WideString) or typecast TADOQuery
as TADODataSet
. e.g:
stlTemp: TWideStringList; // <- Unicode strings - TNT or other Unicode lib
qry: TADOQuery;
stQuery: WideString; // <- Unicode string
TADODataSet(qry).CommandText := stQuery;
RowsAffected := qry.ExecSQL;
You can also use TADOConnection.Execute(stQuery)
to execute queries directly.
Be extra careful with Parametrized queries: ADODB.TParameters.ParseSQL
is Ansi. If ParamCheck
is true (by default) TADOCommand.SetCommandText
will cause
problems if your Query is Unicode (InitParameters
is Ansi).
(note that you can use ADO Command.Parameters
directly - using ?
chars as placeholder for the parameter instead of Delphi's convention :param_name
returns Ansi string. You need a Wide version of this function (TNT)
Also, As @Arioch 'The mentioned TNT Unicode Controls
suite is your best fried for making Delphi Unicode application.
It has all the controls and classes you need to successfully manage Unicode tasks in your application.
In short, you need to think Wide :)