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Multiple arguments in a scope

This is probably simple for most of you out there, I however havent really written many scopes that have multiple arguments, single arguments are fine, just unsure here. I am trying to create a scope that says "Give me all the books that the current user has checked out"

So I have come up with this in my book model

scope :checked_out_book, lambda{|user| { :conditions => { :user_id =>, :checked_out => true } }

Haven’t used lambda before so unsure if i am using it correctly, either way i am getting the error

syntax error, unexpected keyword_end, expecting '}'

Can anyone point me in the right direction


Have changed scope to

scope :checked_out_book, lambda {|user| where(:user_id =>, :checked_out => true) }

but now i get

wrong number of arguments (0 for 1) Thanks


  • I'd do it like this:

    scope :checked_out_book, lambda {|user| where(:user_id =>, :checked_out => true) }