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Visual Studio 2012 Code Highlighting for structs

I'm getting a little bit crazy right now. My company switched from VS2008 to VS2012 and by now I couldn't find any option to enable code highlighting for structs.

In VS2008 something like

public Color Foreground {get;set;}

the keyword Color would be highlighted because it's a well known and defined struct.

In VS2012 the highlighting feature doesn't work for structs anymore.

Does anyone else also noticed? Has anyone a solution? I went through all the Color Options and tried everything but I can't get the good old struct highlighting color back.


  • It works fine for me, in VS2012:

    enter image description here

    What you're looking for is the User Types (Value types) color in
    Tools -> Options -> Environment -> Fonts and Colors

    enter image description here

    If that doesn't help, you should check that you don't have an external addin that might be changing the colors...
    Update - based on your comment - if you're using the Productivity Power Tools you might need to disable the Colorized Parameter Help Option from Tools -> Options -> Productivity Power Tools -> Colorized Parameter Help...

    Another option is to try to Repair your installation of VS2012