Where can I find a simple (as much as possible, but no simpler!) implementation of an LR(1) parser generator?
I'm not looking for performance, just the ability to generate the LR(1) states (item sets).
C++, C#, Java, and Python would all work for me.
I've written a very simple one in C# and wanted to share it here.
It basically populates the action
lookup table, which tells you which state to shift to or which rule to use for reduction.
If the number is nonnegative, then it denotes a new state; if it's negative, then its one's complement (i.e. ~x
) denotes the rule index.
All you need now is to make a lexer and to do the actual parsing with the action table.
Note 1: It might be quite slow at generating the states for a real-world grammar, so you might want to think twice before using it in production code!
Note 2: You might want to double-check its correctness, since I've only checked it a bit.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using size_t = System.UInt32;
public class LRParser
private string[] symbols; // index => symbol
private IDictionary<string, size_t> interned = new SortedDictionary<string, size_t>(); // symbol => index
private int[/*state*/, /*lookahead*/] actions; // If >= 0, represents new state after shift. If < 0, represents one's complement (i.e. ~x) of reduction rule.
public LRParser(params KeyValuePair<string, string[]>[] grammar)
this.interned.Add(string.Empty, new size_t());
foreach (var rule in grammar)
if (!this.interned.ContainsKey(rule.Key))
{ this.interned.Add(rule.Key, (size_t)this.interned.Count); }
foreach (var symbol in rule.Value)
if (!this.interned.ContainsKey(symbol))
{ this.interned.Add(symbol, (size_t)this.interned.Count); }
this.symbols = this.interned.ToArray().OrderBy(p => p.Value).Select(p => p.Key).ToArray();
var syntax = Array.ConvertAll(grammar, r => new KeyValuePair<size_t, size_t[]>(this.interned[r.Key], Array.ConvertAll(r.Value, s => this.interned[s])));
var nonterminals = Array.ConvertAll(this.symbols, s => new List<size_t>());
for (size_t i = 0; i < syntax.Length; i++) { nonterminals[syntax[i].Key].Add(i); }
var firsts = Array.ConvertAll(Enumerable.Range(0, this.symbols.Length).ToArray(), s => nonterminals[s].Count > 0 ? new HashSet<size_t>() : new HashSet<size_t>() { (size_t)s });
int old;
old = firsts.Select(l => l.Count).Sum();
foreach (var rule in syntax)
foreach (var i in First(rule.Value, firsts))
{ firsts[rule.Key].Add(i); }
} while (old < firsts.Select(l => l.Count).Sum());
var actions = new Dictionary<int, IDictionary<size_t, IList<int>>>();
var states = new Dictionary<HashSet<Item>, int>(HashSet<Item>.CreateSetComparer());
var todo = new Stack<HashSet<Item>>();
var root = new Item(0, 0, new size_t());
todo.Push(new HashSet<Item>());
Closure(root, todo.Peek(), firsts, syntax, nonterminals);
states.Add(new HashSet<Item>(todo.Peek()), states.Count);
while (todo.Count > 0)
var set = todo.Pop();
var closure = new HashSet<Item>();
foreach (var item in set)
{ Closure(item, closure, firsts, syntax, nonterminals); }
var grouped = Array.ConvertAll(this.symbols, _ => new HashSet<Item>());
foreach (var item in closure)
if (item.Symbol >= syntax[item.Rule].Value.Length)
IDictionary<size_t, IList<int>> map;
if (!actions.TryGetValue(states[set], out map))
{ actions[states[set]] = map = new Dictionary<size_t, IList<int>>(); }
IList<int> list;
if (!map.TryGetValue(item.Lookahead, out list))
{ map[item.Lookahead] = list = new List<int>(); }
var next = item;
for (size_t symbol = 0; symbol < grouped.Length; symbol++)
var g = new HashSet<Item>();
foreach (var item in grouped[symbol])
{ Closure(item, g, firsts, syntax, nonterminals); }
if (g.Count > 0)
int state;
if (!states.TryGetValue(g, out state))
state = states.Count;
states.Add(g, state);
IDictionary<size_t, IList<int>> map;
if (!actions.TryGetValue(states[set], out map))
{ actions[states[set]] = map = new Dictionary<size_t, IList<int>>(); }
IList<int> list;
if (!map.TryGetValue(symbol, out list))
{ map[symbol] = list = new List<int>(); }
this.actions = new int[states.Count, this.symbols.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < this.actions.GetLength(0); i++)
for (int j = 0; j < this.actions.GetLength(1); j++)
{ this.actions[i, j] = int.MinValue; }
foreach (var p in actions)
foreach (var q in p.Value)
{ this.actions[p.Key, q.Key] = q.Value.Single(); }
foreach (var state in states.OrderBy(p => p.Value))
Console.WriteLine("State {0}:", state.Value);
foreach (var item in state.Key.OrderBy(i => i.Rule).ThenBy(i => i.Symbol).ThenBy(i => i.Lookahead))
"\t{0}: {1} \xB7 {2} | {3} → {0}",
string.Join(" ", syntax[item.Rule].Value.Take((int)item.Symbol).Select(s => this.symbols[s]).ToArray()),
string.Join(" ", syntax[item.Rule].Value.Skip((int)item.Symbol).Select(s => this.symbols[s]).ToArray()),
this.symbols[item.Lookahead] == string.Empty ? "\x04" : this.symbols[item.Lookahead],
", ",
actions[state.Value][item.Symbol < syntax[item.Rule].Value.Length ? syntax[item.Rule].Value[item.Symbol] : item.Lookahead].ToArray(),
a => a >= 0 ? string.Format("state {0}", a) : string.Format("{0} (rule {1})", this.symbols[syntax[~a].Key], ~a))));
private static void Closure(Item item, HashSet<Item> closure /*output*/, HashSet<size_t>[] firsts, KeyValuePair<size_t, size_t[]>[] syntax, IList<size_t>[] nonterminals)
if (closure.Add(item) && item.Symbol >= syntax[item.Rule].Value.Length)
foreach (var r in nonterminals[syntax[item.Rule].Value[item.Symbol]])
foreach (var i in First(syntax[item.Rule].Value.Skip((int)(item.Symbol + 1)), firsts))
{ Closure(new Item(r, 0, i == new size_t() ? item.Lookahead : i), closure, firsts, syntax, nonterminals); }
private struct Item : IEquatable<Item>
public size_t Rule;
public size_t Symbol;
public size_t Lookahead;
public Item(size_t rule, size_t symbol, size_t lookahead)
this.Rule = rule;
this.Symbol = symbol;
this.Lookahead = lookahead;
public override bool Equals(object obj) { return obj is Item && this.Equals((Item)obj); }
public bool Equals(Item other)
{ return this.Rule == other.Rule && this.Symbol == other.Symbol && this.Lookahead == other.Lookahead; }
public override int GetHashCode()
{ return this.Rule.GetHashCode() ^ this.Symbol.GetHashCode() ^ this.Lookahead.GetHashCode(); }
private static IEnumerable<size_t> First(IEnumerable<size_t> symbols, IEnumerable<size_t>[] map)
foreach (var symbol in symbols)
bool epsilon = false;
foreach (var s in map[symbol])
if (s == new size_t()) { epsilon = true; }
else { yield return s; }
if (!epsilon) { yield break; }
yield return new size_t();
private static KeyValuePair<K, V> MakePair<K, V>(K k, V v) { return new KeyValuePair<K, V>(k, v); }
private static void Main(string[] args)
var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();
var parser = new LRParser(
MakePair("start", new string[] { "exps" }),
MakePair("exps", new string[] { "exps", "exp" }),
MakePair("exps", new string[] { }),
MakePair("exp", new string[] { "INTEGER" })