I have upgraded PHP
from version 5.2 to 5.3. Then upgraded the OpenId
and library from 2.1.2 to 2.2.2. And also updated Yadis
to latest. Before the upgrade, OpenId
log-in was working. The underlying CMS is Drupal.
Now I get an Auth_OpenID_FailureResponse
in the returned end point.
My code looks like below :
include 'common.php';
$consumer = getConsumer();
$response = $consumer->complete( BASE_URL . '/google/return' . urlencode($ext_param));
if( $response->status == Auth_OpenID_SUCCESS ){
echo "Successful status";
} else {
print_r( $response );
The trace looks like below (removed original domain name):
Auth_OpenID_FailureResponse Object (
[status] => failure
[endpoint] =>
[identity_url] =>
[message] => return_to does not match return URL. Expected http://xxx.xxxxx.com/ \
openid/google/return?from=accounts.google.com&janrain_nonce= \
2012-10-16T03%3A54%3A37Zudn8eJ, got http://xxx.xxxxx.com/openid/google/return? \
[contact] =>
[reference] =>
This looks strange to me as the code is not modified but the library and the PHP version is upgraded. I searched online for any issues and read the documentations too.
Did I miss any thing or have to do any extra work for the upgrade ?
I was able to fix the issue by myself. The root cause was Drupal current path variable $_GET['q']
so it is removed from the $_GET
parameters array and that made the OpenId return endpoint process success.
Code in the OpenID return end point :
function handle_openid_return () {
// unset the parameter 'q' from $_GET
// Include
include 'common.php';
// Get the OpenID consumer
$consumer = getConsumer();
$response = $consumer->complete( BASE_URL . '/google/return' . urlencode($ext_param));
// Check the status of the $response object, for successful OpenID call
if ($response->status == Auth_OpenID_SUCCESS) {
} else {