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Algorithm to Find Overlapping Line Segments

|                    |                    |    |
|                    |                    | P1 |
|                    |                    |    |
|                    |                    n6--n5
|                    |                    |
|              n11--n10                   |
n17      P4     |    |         P2         |
|               | P3 |                    n7
|              n12---n9                   |
|               |                         n8
|               |                         |

In the above ASCII art, there are four polygons (P1, P2, P3, P4) with exactly-overlapping line segments. For example, polygon P2 (formed by line segments between nodes n3, 10, 9, 12, 15, 14, 13, 8, 7, 6, and 2) and P1 (n1, 2, 5, and 6) overlap at the line segment between n2 and n6.

What is the fastest way to find line segments that overlap exactly?


  • If each shape is a list of edges then:

    initialize map<edge, list of shapes> map
    for each Shape s
      for each Edge e in s
        list l = map.get(e)
        if(l == null) 
          l = new list()
        map.put(e, l)
    for each <edge, list> in map.entries
      if(list.size > 1)
        do something with this common edge

    its O(edges), and your not going to do better than that. this solution might not be satisfactory depending on what you want to do specifically though.