currently hates using classes. I'm attempting to create a Latin kind of Lua, and some things can't precisely be made with _ENV
but it's a lot more efficient. setfenv
was being uncooperative as well.
The subsequent code keeps returning the old attempt to call a nil value
error. It specifies line 20, in which loadstring() is being checked, and line 23, where in the main chunk it is calling the __latin()
function __latin(code)
__predecessor = [===[
function typographia(value)
chorda = {};
chorda.__index = chorda;
function chorda.sub(chorda, cChorda, fChorda)
return string.sub(chorda, cChorda, fChorda);
function chorda:sub(chorda, cChorda, fChorda)
return string.sub(chorda, cChorda, fChorda);
--[[ define values --]]
_ENV = {salve="Salve, munde!",typographia=typographia,print=print,chorda=chorda,chorda.sub=chorda.sub}; ]===];
__finalizer = __predecessor .. " " .. code;
local status, err = pcall(loadstring(__finalizer));
if (err == nil) then loadstring(__finalizer)(); end
__latin('typographia(salve); chorda.sub(salve, 1, 3);');
You're getting "attempt to call a nil value" because loadstring
returns nil
(so you're calling pcall
with nil
). loadstring
returns nil because the code you're compiling (__predecessor
) contains invalid Lua:
_ENV = {
chorda.sub = chorda.sub -- can't do this
FYI: The loadstring/pcall stuff is irrelevant to your problem. Had you stripped it out before posting, you would have found this error yourself.