I am trying to reposition a nsDialogs window using the following code: http://nsis.sourceforge.net/Moving_install_window_to_a_corner_of_the_screen
I am not including the System.nsh file as if I include I get the error:
!define: "IMAGE_BITMAP" already defined!
!include: error in script: "C:\Program Files (x86)\NSIS\Examples\System\System.nsh" on line 267
If I do not include the System.nsh file then I get the following error:
unknown variable/constant "{stRECT}" detected,
What is the stRect variable? How to avoid at least one of these errors and reposition my window using NSIS? I am using the latest version of NSIS.
!include nsDialogs.nsh
!include "${NSISDIR}\Examples\System\System.nsh"
...if nsDialogs.nsh is the conflicting header you probably have to !undef the other image types as well.