I'm revising for my Software Engineering exam, and one of the usual questions is the role of various people in the project. I feel confident enough about how to answer the role of the product owner, scrum master and team, but I'm not sure about the customer.
I know they liaise with the product owner and write the user stories for them ideally. After the estimation is carried out, the customer then prioritises them. The customer can at anytime change the priorities on the product backlog, but can't touch anything once it hits the sprint backlog. At the end of the project, they have the product demonstrated to them in the sprint review and can make constructive comments, etc. They also can attend the sprint retrospective. Additionally, they can act as a chicken at any scrum meeting.
Is there anything else I'm missing?
Can you talk a bit by exactly what you mean by "customer" here. For example:
So - which customer will affect the answer considerably ;-)
Customer isn't a Scrum role. It's not a Scrum concept. The PO is the person who owns the responsibility for the product backlog. To quote from the Scrum Guide:
The Product Owner is the sole person responsible for managing the Product Backlog. [...] The Product Owner is one person, not a committee. The Product Owner may represent the desires of a committee in the Product Backlog, but those wanting to change a backlog item’s priority must convince the Product Owner.