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Burndown Chart not decreasing

I'm revising for a Software Engineering exam and one of the questions got me wondering. It showed a burndown chart where the team had made no progress on user stories for 10 days. The question was "Outline and justify any action that the ScrumMaster may consider taking at this point".

I've thought about drastic action, like stopping the sprint. Then there is to assign pair programming to help users and to consider breaking down user stories even more. Does anybody have any other suggestions? (This question was worth four marks on a past paper).


  • I personally hate abstract questions like this - since you don't actually have enough information to give a "good" answer. How long is the sprint? What have the team been doing? What's the underlying cause of the lack of progress? These are all things you would already know if you were the scrum master of the team. You should never be in the position of just looking at a burndown chart after ten days and then figuring out what to do.

    For example:

    • Maybe the team has been tasked with doing "emergency" tasks outside of the context of the project

    • Maybe there are stories that are partially completed but not finished because of a bottleneck (e.g. stories aren't getting to done because there isn't a tester available, or a designer, or a PO for final sign off)

    • Maybe the stories are too large and are taking too long - or maybe a story has turned out to be exceptionally complex and has exposed an area of the system that's a big-ball-of-mud and is hard to tweak

    The real answer would depend on the actual working context. If I was forced to give an answer it would be something like:

    1. Write a reminder to figure out why I fouled up and only figured out that there was an issue to be addressed ten days into the problem.

    2. Write a reminder to bring this topic up in the sprint retrospective - since something bad is obviously happening

    3. Figure out what the bottleneck/problem is and try and address it. If we have a team that's pretty good at self-directed problem solving I might suggest switching to a work mode where everybody swarms on a single story so we can get at least some things done.

    ... but the real answer is "it depends" ;-)