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Scala converting recursively bounded type parameter (F-bounded) to type member

How would I convert:

trait Foo[A <: Foo[A]]

to a type member?

I.e., I want something along the lines of the following:

trait Foo {
  type A <: Foo {type A = ???}

but I am having difficulty because the name A is already taken within the type refinement. This question is similar (and spawned from): F-bounded quantification through type member instead of type parameter?


  • Use a self-type:

    scala> trait Foo { self => type A <: Foo {type A = self.A}}
    defined trait Foo
    scala> class Bar extends Foo { type A = Bar }
    defined class Bar
    scala> class Bar extends Foo { type A = Int }
    <console>:10: error: overriding type A in trait Foo with bounds <: Foo{type A = Bar.this.A};
     type A has incompatible type
           class Bar extends Foo { type A = Int }