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Mvc3 check form values after Httppost

I have 2 question, 1. I have an edit action and use a formcollection to get the value out of a HiddenFor on Httppost which then i use to make a change in another database table and I was wondering is there a way in which I can see the value of that FormCollection after form submit?

    public ActionResult Edit(relisting house,FormCollection tt)

        if (ModelState.IsValid)

// I would like a way to check the value of getid after submission since 
//my code isn't working. This is an EDIT Action so the GETID has a value 
 //atleast before the post.
            int getid = Convert.ToInt32(tt["RegistrationID"]);
var checksopen = (from d in db.openhouses where getid == d.RegistrationID 
select d).FirstOrDefault();

            house.squarefeet = checksopen.squarefeet;

            db.Entry(checksopen).State = EntityState.Modified;

        return View(house);

and my last question is that my full code above uses 2 db.Entry().State = EntityState.Modified; but only 1 is working; is there anything that can make the 2nd entity.modified not work? assuming that the checksopen does have a match? I am passing data from the parent model relisting to the child model openhouse , so for every openhouse there is a relisting so I want to capture the changes in both to keep it in sync.

    public ActionResult Edit(relisting house,FormCollection tt)

        if (ModelState.IsValid)

 // This one works
            db.Entry(house).State = EntityState.Modified;

// This one doesn't work

            int getid = Convert.ToInt32(Request.Form["RegistrationID"]);

            var checksopen = (from d in db.openhouses where getid == 
    d.RegistrationID select d).FirstOrDefault();

            house.squarefeet = checksopen.squarefeet;

            db.Entry(checksopen).State = EntityState.Modified;

        return View(house);


  • I was wondering is there a way in which I can see the value of that FormCollection after form submit?

    It is possible. Your code may pass the parameter into a property of the Model that you return back after post action. return View(house); You are returning model named house. Just add a new public parameter to this model and assign your RegistrationID to it.

    Tip: for performance considerations, there is no need to post the FormCollection, as it posts every item that you have in your view. Posting only the Model that contains necessary properties with hidden model values would be a better approach.