I have a report set up with 9 different multi-value parameters. When I go to create a subscription for the report and specify the values of these parameters, only 4 of them will allow me to click on the drop-down list to expand and select options. The other 5 show blank textboxes by default (even though there should be multiple values already selected by default), and clicking on them does nothing.
Their properties are all over the place - some are integers while others are text, and some have hard-coded values specified by me while others get their values from datasets. However I cannot find any consistency between the ones that don't work and the ones that do.
Here's a screencap of the subscription setup page - all of the multi-valued ones showing a blank textbox are un-clickable.
I'm using Internet Explorer 9 where the all of the web interface features of the reporting system navigator have worked for me thus far.
Just looking for something to help send me in the right direction towards finding the root of the problem here. Thank you!
Solution found here: http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/forums/en-us/sqlreportingservices/thread/6E11EC25-E205-469E-8C35-B73B4478BCF0?prof=required
It's a JavaScript error that happens if one of the LABELS of a value of a multi-value parameter is a blank string. If you have any blank labels, change the labels to be something like "(blank)" and everything should be fine.