I am trying to implement camera zoom using CGAffinetransform
. Transform is fine, but when I scale it to a bigger size, it goes out of the frame I have assigned to the AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer
. I tried setting masksToBounds
property to YES
but it didn't help.
Can I contain it within its frame?
What I want is that I can specify a specific area for the camera preview layer, if I apply scaling transform to it, (i.e., frame of preview layer gets expanded), the part of the layer outside of the specified area gets clipped.
You should put the layer you are scaling inside of another layer and mask that one instead (the superlayer). The same thing works with views.
I.e. You have two views / layers: clippingView
and scalingView
where scalingView is the subview of clippingView and clippingView is the view that actually clips to it's bounds.
[clippingView addSubview:scalingView];
clippingView.clipsToBounds = YES;
or using layers
[clippingLayer addSublayer:scalingLayer];
clippingLayer.masksToBounds = YES;