I installed the freeglut3 and freeglut3-dev by apt-get. I want to create a OPENGL GLUT Project in Codeblocks. I was asked the GLUT's location and I entered "/usr" as I found in a tutorial. But I got the error message:
"The path you entered seems valid, but this wizard can't locate the following GLUT's library file: glut in it."
Did I set the right location? What is the right way to setup up such a glut project?
I have also faced the same problem. But I solve the problem Without creating the project and run the GLUT program. For that go to compiler and debugger setting and in linker tab and link library libGL.so , libGLU.so, libglut.so form directory usr/lib by pressing add button. Now you can include glut.h header and run the project.