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XtraReport : An object assigned to the DataSource property cannot be used

I have a C# application that use reports stored in a database, and for a particular report, that use a XPObject as datasource (CptOperation class, the code is below), I have this error message when trying to print or preview :

An object assigned to the DataSource property cannot be used as a report's datasource, because it does not implement any of supported interfaces. For more information, refer to

Here is the code I use to print my report.

public static void PrintReport(string reportCode, object dataSource, string printerName)
    using (var uow = new UnitOfWork { ConnectionString = Content.GlobalInfo.ServerConnectionString })
        var report = uow.FindObject<Content.Report>(new BinaryOperator("Code", reportCode));
        if (report == null)
            XtraMessageBox.Show(String.Format("The report {0} is not found", reportCode),
                Application.ProductName, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);

        var xtraReport = getXtraReportFromReport(report);
        xtraReport.DataSource = dataSource;

        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(printerName))

private static XtraReport getXtraReportFromReport(Content.Report report)
    XtraReport xtraReport;
    using (var writer = new StreamWriter(new MemoryStream()))
        xtraReport = XtraReport.FromStream(writer.BaseStream, true);
    return xtraReport;

Here is my object persistance class "CptOperation" :

private CptTypeOperation cptTypeOperation;
public CptTypeOperation CptTypeOperation
    get { return cptTypeOperation; }
    set { SetPropertyValue<CptTypeOperation>("CptTypeOperation", ref cptTypeOperation, value); }

private int numero;
public int Numero
    get { return numero; }
    set { SetPropertyValue<int>("Numero", ref numero, value); }

private CptSession cptSession;
public CptSession CptSession
    get { return cptSession; }
    set { SetPropertyValue<CptSession>("CptSession", ref cptSession, value); }

public XPCollection<Piece> Pieces
    get { return GetCollection<Piece>("Pieces"); }

public XPCollection<Transact> Transacts
    get { return GetCollection<Transact>("Transacts"); }


  • The problem occues because I was sending an object of type XPObject as the report datasource, but in fact, the xtraReport datasource must be a IList or IList<T> object, for example, it can be of type : XPCollection<CptOperation> or List<CptOperation>...