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Gnuplot: Plotting residuals

I am trying to plot a visualization of the least square method. In the end it should look like this: Resudual

Right now I have the data points and I have the fitted curve (a straight line in my case, called f(x)). What I am missing are the residuals (in the link the residuals are the green lines). Meaning: I want to draw lines starting at each data point going vertically to the fitted line.

My data.txt looks like this (shortend)

1, 3
2, 4
3, 6
4, 3

My gnuplot commands are:

f(x) = a*x +b  + 1e-9
fit f(x) 'data.txt' u 1:2  via a, b
plot 'data.txt' with points title 'data',  f(x)  

So far with I only managed to have the residuals as impulses using

plot 'data.txt' with points title 'data',  '' using 1:($2 - f($1)) w impulse, f(x)

but like that, the start from y=0 und go up down, they are not between the fitted line f(x) and the data point.


  • I think you're looking for errorbars here:

     plot 'data.txt' with points title 'data',\
          f(x) notitle,\
          'data.txt' u ($1):(f($1)):(f($1)):2 w yerrorbars title 'residuals'

    There's also the errorlines style which you could use basically the same:

     plot 'data.txt' with points title 'data',\
          'data.txt' u ($1):(f($1)):(f($1)):2 w yerrorlines title 'residuals'

    but in this case, the line (f(x)) is plotted with the same style that the residuals are plotted.