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TTTableImageItem doesn't load the image until scroll

I'm using the three20 project for my iPhone app. I've narrowed my problem down and I'm now just trying to re-create the 'Web Images in Table' example that comes with the project. I've copied the code exactly as in the project, with the exception that I do not use the TTNavigator (which the example does) but I am adding my TTTableViewController manually to a tabBar.

The problem is as follows; the images in the table should load automatically from the web, like in the example. But they only load after I scroll the table up and down.

In the console it clearly says it is downloading the images, and you see the activity indicator spinning like forever.. And unless I scroll up and down once, the images will never appear.

Anyone? Thanks in advance.

P.S: If I'm using this code in any random UIView, It also doesn't work (only shows a black square):

TTImageView* imageView = [[[TTImageView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(30, 30, 100, 100)] autorelease];
imageView.autoresizesToImage = YES;
imageView.URL = @"";
[self.view addSubview:imageView];

If I put this code in my AppDelegate (right onto the window), it does work .. strange?

POSSIBLE SOLUTION: Although I stopped using TTImageView for this purpose, I do think I found out what the problem was; threading (hence accepting the answer of Deniz Mert Edincik). If I started the asynchronous download (because basically that is all the TTImageView is, an asynchronous download) from anywhere BUT the main thread, it would not start. If I started the download on the main thread, it would start immediately..


  • Sounds like a threading problem to me, are you creating TTImageView in the main runloop?