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OMNIORB: Read current orb setting

It is possible to use CORBA::ORB_init to set the native codeset for the orb. But if in an application an orb is retrieved in different configurations the orb is initialized only once.

"-ORBconfigFile config1.cfg"

CORBA::ORB_var orb1 = CORBA::ORB_init(orbInitParams.argc(), orbInitParams.argv());

"-ORBconfigFile config2.cfg"

CORBA::ORB_var orb2 = CORBA::ORB_init(orbInitParams.argc(), orbInitParams.argv());

But the thing is that the first one wins. So in a big application where the caller of the second ORB_init does not know of the first caller he will get the orb configured like 1. This matters if 1. uses

  • nativeCharCodeSet = ISO-8859-1 while 2 uses
  • nativeCharCodeSet = UTF-8

Is there a way to read the ORB setting to check if settings are attached successful?

Why this shows up: I am using Omniorb in a dll (Thats where I initialize it). Now the application has a second component using omniorb which comes first. So I lost my UTF-8 configuration.


  • With omniorb it seems not possible to have to orbs in one process or is it possible to read the configuration.