Someone great in this site give me this code at batch change folder name by read line from text file
@echo off
pushd "your root location"
for /f "tokens=1* delims=:" %%A in (
'findstr /srbc:"SMTP_Email_Address *type=SZ *[^ ][^ ]*@[^ ][^ ]*\.[^ ][^ ]* *SMTP_Email_Address" filel.txt^|sort /r'
) do if exist "%%A" for %%F in ("%%A\..") do (
for /f "tokens=3" %%N in ("%%B") do ren "%%~fF" "%%N"
the code find this code perfectly
SMTP_Email_Address type=SZ SMTP_Email_Address
I want the code find this
<SMTP_Email_Address type="SZ"></SMTP_Email_Address>
because of this signs > < "" the code not work
and change the folder name by the email found in the text file inside
i think i understand the question. you need to escape the special characters with the caret sign (^) e.g. replace
"SMTP_Email_Address *type=SZ *[^ ][^ ]*@[^ ][^ ]*\.[^ ][^ ]* *SMTP_Email_Address"
"^<SMTP_Email_Address *type=^"SZ^"^> *[^ ][^ ]*@[^ ][^ ]*\.[^ ][^ ]* *^<^/SMTP_Email_Address^>"