i have a stored procedure which somehow goes like
create SP_justest
(@datefrom as smalldatetime,
@dateto as smalldatetime,
@rank as varchar(1),
@Filter as varchar(8000)
select * from finhours
where (div_cde = @filter)
and date_from = @datefrom
and date_to = @dateto
and rank = @rank
so in vb.net, i have a sub which calls the stored procedure, here is the exact code of the sub:
Private Sub InsertPayRollRecords()
sqlcomm.CommandText = "dbo.SP_INSERTVALUESINTOPR"
sqlcomm.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
sqlcomm.Parameters.Add("@DATEFROM", DateValue(dtpCFrom.Value))
sqlcomm.Parameters.Add("@DATETO", DateValue(dtpCTo.Value))
sqlcomm.Parameters.Add("@RANK", rank)
sqlcomm.Parameters.Add("@FILTER", ReturnDivision())
sqlcomm.Connection = SQLConn
sqlcomm.CommandTimeout = 999999
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
@filter would have a value like:
'AP0' OR div_cde = 'FO0' OR div_cde = 'ME0' OR div_cde = 'SO0' OR div_cde = 'XO0'
problem is, when i fire this from VB.net 2000, i dont encounter any error at all, it just doest
When you find yourself passing a list to a stored procedure, think "table" instead. Your procedure could refer to a table or view:
select * from finhours
and date_from = @datefrom
and date_to = @dateto
and rank = @rank
and div_cde in (select div_cde from interesting_division_codes)
Usually the list isn't arbitrary. Rather, they belong to some group. Then you wind up with
select * from finhours
and date_from = @datefrom
and date_to = @dateto
and rank = @rank
and div_cde in (select div_cde
from interesting_division_codes
where div_category = @div_cat
This is highly preferred. It's more efficient to process and leads to more consistent results. Not to mention that it will lead to some scintillating discussion over the number of groups and their memberships.
If the list of div_cde values cannot be derived within the database and is per-process, use a temporary table. If it's really arbitrary and the filter values are used only once, insert them into a table parameter and pass that instead of a varchar, and join to it in your query.