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Internal Server Error: Accessing data from php class?

I have another problem.

Im getting an internal server error when I try to get data from the following php class:

 * Created by JetBrains PhpStorm.
 * User: -Ryuk-
 * Date: 21/11/12
 * Time: 17:08
 * To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates.
class game
    private $_serverStatus = "Online";
    private $_numOnline = "32";
    private $_maxPlayers = "50";
    private $_messageOfTheDay = "Welcome to game!";
    private $_Players = "Falcubar2011;Zacardor;";

public function GetStatus()
    return this::$_serverStatus;

public function GetNumOnline()
    return this::$_numOnline;

public function MaxPlayers()
    return this::$_maxPlayers;

public function GetMOTD()
    return this::$_messageOfTheDay;

public function GetPlayers()
    return this::$_Players;

public function GetServiceColour()
    if(this::GetStatus() != "Online")
        return "#FF0000";
        return "#008000";

Im trying to call it like this(in index.php) I stripped this down so you don't get all the junk.

$mc = new game();

  <div id="Stats">
        <div id=roundedbox>

            <p>Slots: <?php print $mc->GetNumOnline(); ?> / <?php print $mc->MaxPlayers(); ?></p>
            <p>Status: <?php print $mc->GetStatus(); ?></p>
            <p>MOTD: <?php print $mc->GetMOTD(); ?></p>

Anyone know how to fix this problem im having?


  • Your syntax around this is completely wrong. Instead of

    return this::$_serverStatus;

    You should be using

    return $this->_serverStatus;

    Similarly, your internal call to GetStatus() should be

    if ($this->GetStatus() != 'Online') {
        // ...

    I recommend you start reading here -