Using optparse
, I want to separate the list of option list parameters from the place where I call add_option(). How do I package the stuff up in File A (and then unpack in file B) so that this will work? The parser_options.append() lines will not work as written...
File A:
import file_b
parser_options = []
parser_options.append(('-b', '--bootcount', type='string', dest='bootcount', default='', help='Number of times to repeat booting and testing, if applicable'))
parser_options.append(('-d', '--duration', type='string', dest='duration', default='', help='Number of hours to run the test. Decimals OK'))
my_object = file_b.B(parser_options)
File B recieves parser_options as input:
import optparse
class B:
def __init__(self, parser_options):
self.parser = optparse.OptionParser('MyTest Options')
if parser_options:
for option in parser_options:
* EDIT: Fixed to use ojbects
Rather than try to shoehorn your options into some data structure, wouldn't it be simpler to define a function in file A that adds options to a parser you give it?
File A:
def addOptions(parser):
parser.add_option('-b', '--bootcount', type='string', dest='bootcount', default='', help='Number of times to repeat booting and testing, if applicable')
parser.add_option('-d', '--duration', type='string', dest='duration', default='', help='Number of hours to run the test. Decimals OK')
File B:
import optparse
def build_parser(parser_options):
parser = optparse.OptionParser('MyTest Options')
if parser_options:
import file_a
import file_b