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Where is the implementation for the ->partial() method in Zend Framework?

I'm trying to find where Zend implemented the partial() method so that I can add some ACL code into it for permission control. I know that the calling object of the method is always a Zend_View object, and I looked, but the partial method seems to be missing in it (and all the classes/interfaces that it inherits/implements).

Does anybody know how Zend_View acquires that method?

For those of you who are optimization minded and are itching to tell me that I should use render() instead, the partials in question require variable inputs as they play the same kind of roles as a table row partial does. Unless you can show me how to do that with a render() method, please stay on topic.

Also, I'm not intending to modify the Zend Framework code directly, I simply want to override the implementation, but I also want to see the method I'm overriding so that I can see what I'm working with.


  • How to write your own helpers and override default helpers

    Since we're talking about a view helper, the code for it can be found in library\Zend\View\Helper\Partial.php. If you want to change what the partial view helper does, write your own helper:

    class MyProject_View_Helper_MyHelper extends Zend_View_Helper_Abstract {}


    class MyProject_View_Helper_MyHelper implements Zend_View_Helper_Interface {}

    and then add this helper to the helper stack by adding the path to it to your configuration.

    resources.view.helperPath.MyProject_View_Helper_ = "MyProject/View/Helper/"

    If you call your helper Partial, you can completely override the default partial helper.

    See also this blog about view helpers by Akrabat.

    And, to put it in your words... Zend_View aquires the partial method

    If a helper is registered, it can be called from the view because of the following code in Zend_View_Abstract

     * Accesses a helper object from within a script.
     * If the helper class has a 'view' property, sets it with the current view
     * object.
     * @param string $name The helper name.
     * @param array $args The parameters for the helper.
     * @return string The result of the helper output.
    public function __call($name, $args)
        // is the helper already loaded?
        $helper = $this->getHelper($name);
        // call the helper method
        return call_user_func_array(
            array($helper, $name),