I currently work on an open source e-commerce platform and I am trying to work out if I can deploy an offline version that can run on an tablet. I was hoping to use an iPad but this has proved very difficult (impossible?)
a) Does anyone know of an AMP (apache mysql php) version that will run on a tablet - eg. Android?
The idea is to have a local version of the online store that sales reps can use when selling to wholesale customers that will store the orders locally until they find a WiFi or 3G signal at which point it will merge the new records into the webserver.
If I could get Apache, MySQL and PHP to run locally (like it does using WAMP, MAMP, LAMP, etc.) it would be great as the app would be usable without an internet connection.
Finally - someone has released the full package!
Bit Web Server (AMP; also see their homepage) stack running on Android. No hacking required. $2 to pay though!
If you are looking for a stack for iOS then the cydia-ios-lighttpd-php-mysql-web-stack does the trick: Should run lighttpd + php 5.4 + mysql - unfortunately only on jailbroken devices.
Edit: In case anyone is interested I have switched to Windows 8 tablet which happily runs all of the opensource AMP stacks. Runs very nicely and with a bit of Bootstrap styling I have a full feature sales order "app" for nothing. Little bit of code to sync back to the online version - no need to spend $50 per month per user on HandShake or similar.