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How to launch Google Earth plugin within Chrome

I have the Google Earth plugin installed and it seems to work fine.

What I would like to do is open a KML file (exported from MyTracks on Android) in it.

But, I can find no option to open the KML file, or launch the GE plugin.

Is this possible ?


  • To launch the plugin take a look at the 'Using the Google Earth Api' section in the developer's guide.

    For loading KML files, take a look at the following documentation

    It give examples of how to fetchKml and parseKml as well as linking to a working example.

    var href = ''
                   + 'apis/earth/documentation/samples/kml_example.kml';, href, function(kmlObject) {
      if (kmlObject) {

    You can also use a KmlNetworkLink to load the data again the document links to a working example of this.

    var link = ge.createLink('');
    var href = ''
               + 'apis/earth/documentation/samples/kml_example.kml'
    var networkLink = ge.createNetworkLink('');
    networkLink.set(link, true, true); // Sets the link, refreshVisibility, and flyToView