I want to count the number of distinct elements from two sets. Precisely this is the union of set 1 and set 2.
How can I format the following pseudo SQL into functioning SQL
select COUNT(set1 union set2) from table1`
EDIT set1 and set2 are columns of table1
Here is a short example:
Set 1 of students in a class:
Bubba, Jody, Rex, Sandy, Jules
Set 2 of students in a class:
Jody, Rob, Horace, Thor, Rex
I want the distinct number of students in both classes:
Bubba, Jody, Rex, Sandy Jules, Rob, Horace, Thor
So, a union will do and I can just count.
Select Count(column_alias) From
( Select set1 As column_alias From Table1
Select set2 From Table1 )
The Union will make the elements unique. This will only work if the column datatypes are compatible. You can modify the subqueries to include a Where condition if you need it.