Why does FragmentTwo
disappear from the backstack in the following situation:
called FragmentOne
in an Activity
holds a Button
. When clicked, it launches FragmentTwo
, which is added to the Fragment
backstack. FragmentTwo
has a Button
, which when clicked adds two tabs to the ActionBar
linked to two Fragments
, FragmentThree
and FragmentFour
. FragmentThree
is visible. FragmentTwo
. Instead, I see FragmentOne
. Where did FragmentTwo
go? Before I override onKeyDown()
and start implementing my own backstack for Fragments
I wanted to ask if there is something obvious I am missing? Note there is no configuration change happening when testing this.
FragmentOne's button click handler contains:
FragmentTransaction ft = getFragmentManager().beginTransaction();
FragmentTwo fragment = new FragmentTwo();
ft.replace(android.R.id.content, fragment).commit();
FragmentTwo button click is handled in the Activity:
FragmentFour fragmentThree = new FragmentThree();
FragmentFive fragmentFive = new FragmentFive();
ActionBar.Tab tab = getActionBar().newTab().setText("Frag 3").setTabListener(new CustomTabListener<FragmentThree>(fragmentThree));
tab = getActionBar().newTab().setText("Frag 4").setTabListener(new CustomTabListener<FragmentFour>(fragmentFour));
where the tab listener is:
public static class CustomTabListener<T extends Fragment> implements TabListener {
Fragment fragment;
public CustomTabListener(Fragment fragment) {
this.fragment = fragment;
public void onTabSelected(Tab tab, FragmentTransaction ft) {
ft.replace(android.R.id.content, fragment);
public void onTabUnselected(Tab tab, FragmentTransaction ft) {
public void onTabReselected(Tab tab, FragmentTransaction ft) {
I if add more Fragments
to backstack before FragmentThree
is shown, it is always and only the Fragment
immediately before FragmentThree
that has disappeared.
When I leave the Tabbed user view by pressing the back key and return to FragmentOne
, the tabs are still showing. I understand I need to reset the ActionBar
, but it's not clear why FragmentOne
is showing instead of FragmentTwo
I think the problem is if you build your tabs
public void onTabSelected(Tab tab, FragmentTransaction ft) {
ft.replace(android.R.id.content, fragment);
gets called and the fragment before is not added to the backstack
did you try to call
in the Fragment Two button handling code.
But you need to implement onBackPressed()
anyway to get rid of the tabs. I think I would make new activity with tabs.