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framework for SEO oriented web site

I have to create a web site for a design company. Client's requirements are

  1. Site must be fast loading
  2. Site must be optimized for SEO - planning for a paid SEO process after site launch
  3. Must integrate with facebook and other social networking sites.

The client will take care of the rest SEO processes. Now I just need to made a SEO friendly fast loading website.

I am new to this SEO process and bit confused about the framework to choose for the work.

Can anyone please suggest me a best and efficient framework in PHP for the process ?

From a lots of googling I found that Wordpress and Joomla! suits me.

But Joomla! is little bit heavy am I ?

These site contents a simple slide show and some articles and videos and protfolio and a contact form thats all

Any advises?


  • I am an SEO expert and I find that Wordpress, even without plugins is very SEO friendly and not as complex as Joomla.

    One SEO plugin I highly recommend is Yoast SEO

    Another on is WP super cache to speed up the site

    Hope this helps ;)