I have a circle, with a boundary ring inside it (green & static), and some "pulsing" outer circles (blue). How would I approach this to only let the portions of the "pulsing circles" that are inside the static circle be visible?
I also included the JS that makes renders the HTML for your reference, but it does not generate the SVG in the JSFiddle.
I think that layers exist in SVG, but that isnt very helpful given how I structured the rendering of the other circles.
A quick review of the way it works.
I know that I can measure a click within the boundaries of the main circle, so I am hoping that I can limit the animation of the pulse (maybe a hacky way) to within the green circle ring.
Maybe other circle placed on top that has a reverse fill or something? just spitting out ideas, cause I have tried everything I know of and cant find any other examples or ideas researching.
Related articles that might help you help me think of a way to accomplish this:
If I understand you correctly, you want to limit the pulsing circles to the inside of the green, non-pulsing circle. This can be done using a clip path:
<!-- ... -->
<!-- Here we define the clip path, using the non-pulsing circle -->
<clipPath id="ringClip">
<use xlink:href="#ring-circle"/>
<!-- other content -->
<!-- We put all pulsing circles into a group,
applying the clip path to them as a whole -->
<g clip-path="url(#ringClip)">
<!-- pulsing circles -->
<circle id="ring-circle"><!-- more attributes --></circle>