I have folder A and B. Folder A has files like: a.mp3 and a.txt and folder B has: b.mp3 and b.txt. What I want to do here is copy and rename the content of the folder A to B so that the files can be overwritten.
Here is an example code on how to overwrite and keep the same file name in folder B:
XCOPY /HECY A\a.txt B\b.txt
ButI don't want to type all the file names to copy and overwrite the files in folder B.
Any help will be appreciated.
This should work. It will copy all A\nl_*.*
files to B\
, renaming the nl
to sp
and overwriting the files.
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
for %%a in (A\nl_*.*) do (
set file=%%~nxa
set file=!file:~2!
xcopy /hecyi "%%a" "B\sp!file!"