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Use Zend Translate in Zend Plugin

I define a translation pattern in one of my plugin and it work fine in the views but i have other plugin witch create an html for menus and i need it to fill with curent translation of worlds , but when i use :

   public function preDispatch(Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request){
    $translate = Zend_Registry::get('Zend_Translate');

It give me :

Message: No entry is registered for key 'Zend_Translate'

But if i use print_r($translate); it shows content of my translation file .

And When i use print_r(get_class_methods($translate)); it returns :

Array ( [0] => __construct [1] => setAdapter [2] => getAdapter [3] => getCache [4] => setCache [5] => hasCache [6] => removeCache [7] => clearCache [8] => __call )

I use these code in my translation plugin to set registery:


What should i do ?


  • As i understand preDispatch run before calling Zend_Registry , If you want to have Zend_Registry keys , you should put code in postDispatch function in Zend_Controller_Plugin_Abstract or in your plugin class.

    Code change to these and problem solved :

       public function preDispatch(Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request){
        $translate = Zend_Registry::get('Zend_Translate');

    for more info look at :