Using Play Framework 2 I've noticed the rendered Scala HTML templates don't like indented @if
or @for
So, for example, something like that:
@for(test <- tests) {
Will have extra unneeded spaces. To fix it, I need to do something like that:
@for(test <- tests) {
Which will get messy with additional @defining
or other statements.
So, is there a way to prettify/beautify Scala templates rendering in order to get rid of extra white spaces?
Reading this thread I've noticed extra spaces and line breaks are added as well because of the parameters on top of the templates. So this:
@(myParam: String)
<!DOCTYPE html>
will add 3 extra line breaks on top of the resulting HTML. Which is definitely annoying.
The thread seems to say there are no option at the moment to correct that.
So for more details I've used @biesor answer and went through these steps:
Add HtmlCompressor as a plugin
In Build.scala:
val appDependencies = Seq(
"com.googlecode.htmlcompressor" % "htmlcompressor" % "1.5.2"
public class PrettyController extends Controller {
public static Results.Status ok(Content content) {
return Results.ok(prettify(content)).as("text/html; charset=utf-8");
public static Results.Status badRequest(Content content) {
return Results.badRequest(prettify(content)).as("text/html; charset=utf-8");
public static Results.Status notFound(Content content) {
return Results.notFound(prettify(content)).as("text/html; charset=utf-8");
public static Results.Status forbidden(Content content) {
return Results.forbidden(prettify(content)).as("text/html; charset=utf-8");
public static Results.Status internalServerError(Content content) {
return Results.internalServerError(prettify(content)).as("text/html; charset=utf-8");
public static Results.Status unauthorized(Content content) {
return Results.unauthorized(prettify(content)).as("text/html; charset=utf-8");
private static String prettify(Content content) {
HtmlCompressor compressor = new HtmlCompressor();
String output = content.body().trim();
if (Play.isDev()) {
output = compressor.compress(output);
return output;
Then every controllers should extend PrettyController