When I have a file that I run through phpQuery that has stuff like
or ©
in it somehow a  is added.
so when I have this file (hello.html):
hello, this is a test ©
and I run this code:
$f = phpQuery::newDocumentFile( 'hello.html' );
echo $f->html();
I get the following output:
hello, this is a test ©
Is there something I can do to fic this?
 shows up because of encoding issues, I would try converting it from ISO-8859-1 to UTF-8 using utf8_encode
$markup = file_get_contents('hello.html');
$utf8_markup = utf8_encode($markup);
$doc = phpQuery::newDocumentHTML($utf8_markup);
This is a related post HTML encoding issues - “” character showing up instead of “ ”