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Override client_side_validations behavior to validate hidden fields

I am using the client_side_validations gem with Rails 3.1.0. I have been trying to use it to validate a hidden field that is set through a javascript widget. From what I have read on the gem's github page, the gem deliberately does not validate hidden fields because the user could not correct these fields. I have unsuccessfully tried to override this behavior.

Is there a way to override this behavior for a particular field without modifying the client_side_validations code (other than the init stuff that gets generated when you install the gem)?.

The way I've done it now is by making a slight modification to the validateForm function in the gem. When it looks for the fields to validate it only grabs the elements that are visible:


So I changed that to this:


This seems to work. Is there a better way?

I haven't been able to re-validate the hidden field when the user corrects their mistakes.


  • If you want to validate hidden fields that is how to do it