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undefined POST and is my bcrypt system good?

So Ive been looking arround internet to bcrypt my passwords, I got this code together from youtube, Im not sure if thats what I need since this is my first time doing such a thing. And also I get an error saying that user, pass and mail are undefined aldo thy work fine in functions I use and in if statements above. This code is work in progress, I have yet to put salting and crypt functions in an if statement. Heres code:

<?php require_once("session.php");?>
<?php require_once("connect.php");?>
if(isset($_POST["createUser"]) && isset($_POST["user"], $_POST["pass"], $_POST["mail"])){
    createUser ($_POST["user"], $_POST["pass"], $_POST["mail"]);
else if(isset($_POST["userGames"])){
    userGamesUpdate ($_POST("selectedGameId"));
else if(isset($_POST["userLogin"])){
    login ($_POST["user"], $_POST["pass"]);
else if (!isset ($_POST)){
    echo "error";


$lenght = 21;
function random_string($lenght){

    $charset = array_merge˙(range("a", "z"), range("A", "Z"), range("0", "9"));
    global $randozoz;
    $randozoz = array_slice($charset, 0, $lenght);
    return implode("", $randozoz);

$username = $_POST["user"];
$password = $_POST["pass"];
$email = $_POST["mail"];

function prevent($wha) {

    $wha = stripslashes($wha);
    $wha = mysql_real_escape_string($wha);
    return $wha;


$str = substr($username, 0, 6);
$salt = "$2a$12$".$randozoz."".$str."$";

function createUser ($username, $password, $email ){
    //Get from form

    $hashedPassword = crypt($password); 
    //Submit to database
    //make query
    $query = ("INSERT INTO users ( username , email , hashPass ) VALUES ( '$username' , '$email' , '$hashedPassword')");
    //use query
    if (mysql_query($query)) {
        $query = ("SELECT id FROM users WHERE username = '{$username}'");
        $userId = mysql_fetch_array($query);
        $_SESSION["userId"] = $userId;
        $_SESSION["username"] = $username; 
        header("Location: ../userMade.php");
    } else {
        echo "<p>".mysql_error()."</p>";

function login ($username, $password){

    $hashedPassword = sha1($password); 
    //Submit to database
    //make query
    $query = ("SELECT id, username FROM users WHERE username = '{$username}' AND hashPass = '{$hashedPassword}'");
    $result_set = mysql_query($query);

    if (mysql_num_rows($result_set) == 1) {
        //frontpage, session
        //$userFound = mysql_fetch_array($result_set);
        $foundUser = mysql_fetch_array($result_set); 
        $_SESSION["userId"] = $foundUser["id"];
        $_SESSION["username"] = $foundUser["username"];
        header("Location: ../frontpage.php");
    } else {
        $message = "Your username and/or password is wrong! Please try again.";

Login system is not integrated with crypt and salting system. But am I doing salting right?

Heres some random passwords that come out of this system:


And error shows in part where Im trying to protect against SQL injection, also will that system work? I dont really understand it to be honest.


  • Your code is full of bad things, it is hard to find a spot to start. It doesn't even work correctly.

    But to answer your question on bcrypt: No, you are doing it wrong. To make it most easy for everybody using password hashing there will be a PHP Hashing API starting with PHP 5.5.

    Because PHP 5.5 still is in development, there is a compatibility library that backports these functions to recent PHP versions 5.4 and down till 5.3.7. Earlier PHP have a security issue in their bcrypt implementation.

    Download this library: