I have registered the package TMS Unicode Component Pack in my Delphi 7 containing TNT components.
This package contains a class named TTntCustomComboBox
which I use to create my own custom component named Combobox2
unit Combobox2;
Windows, Messages, Classes, Graphics, Controls, StdCtrls, ImgList, ActiveX, SysUtils, TntStdCtrls, TntWindows;
TCombobox2 = class(TTntCustomComboBox)
procedure Register;
RegisterComponents('Standard', [TCombobox2]);
I've added this component (TCombobox2
) to the package dclusr.dpk
Compiling dclusr.dpk
works but installing the package raises an exception :
Registration procedure Combobox2.Register in package C:\program files\Delphi7\Projects\Bpl\dclusr.bpl raised an exception class EFilererror : A class named TTntCustomComboBox already exists
So, how do I fix that ?
Thanks for help.
The error message indicates that your package is trying to register a component that is already registered, namely TTntCustomComboBox
It's not obvious from the details that you have provided why this would happen. One possible reason would be if you included the TNT components in your package instead of referencing that in your package's requires clause. Another possible reason would be if your Register
function attempted to register TTntCustomComboBox
. This could happen if your actual declaration of TCombobox2
was like so:
TCombobox2 = TTntCustomComboBox;