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Sample UDEV file for Stellaris Launchpad

I'm trying to get my Stellaris Launchpad to work with the Energia IDE. I'm told to upload programs and to run the serial port I've got to create a udev entry.

I'm relatively new to linux (although not Ubuntu) so could anyone please provide me with a sample udev file.

My Stellaris board's on port /dev/ttyACM0, VID=1cbe and PID=00fd.

As of now I'm using this ->

# This file allows non-root access to TI stellaris launchpad
# See udev(7) for syntax.

Thanks in advance


  • Problem solved.

    For those with the same or a similar problem. Here's the simple solution.

    Step 1: Add your username to the "dialout" group. In terminal type,

    sudo adduser <username> dialout

    Step 2: Create a udev (eg: 61-stellpad.rules) file in the directory: /etc/udev/rules.d/ with the contents as,

    SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="1cbe", ATTRS{idProduct}=="00fd", MODE="0666"

    Step 3: Save, unplug and replug the Stellaris board. All done.

    [Note]: The solution was provided by a fellow Stellaris Launchpad user - Bernard.
    Works perfectly now.
