I have a working webService using NuSOAP. Now, I have to make a validation before returning the data requested. If everything is ok, I return it normally, otherwise I would like to return a String message explaining why I'm not giving the information requested. Problem is that I can't get to add two different types of return to RegisterFunction of NuSOAP. If I add a ComplexType as return, I can't return a String.
The function can't have two return-values. You should add the error-message-string to your complex type. If you don't wanna touch your complex type, then you should create another complex type wich contains your datatype and a string.
Example - the complex type you have right now:
array( 'important' => array('name' => 'important','type' => 'xsd:string'),
'stuff' => array('name' => 'stuff','type' => 'xsd:string')
the extra complex type:
array( 'data' => array('name' => 'data','type' => 'tns:myData'),
'errormsg' => array('name' => 'errormsg','type' => 'xsd:string')
registration of the function:
the function:
function GetData($validation)
if($validation == "thegoodguy") {
$result['data'] = array(
"important" => "a top secret information",
"stuff" => "another one"
$result['errormsg'] = null;
} else {
$result['data'] = null;
$result['errormsg'] = "permission denied!";
return $result;
That way the client could try to analyse the received data and if it is null then he shows up the errormessage.