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Dividing a graph in three parts such the maximum of the sum of weights of the three parts is minimized

I want to divide a graph with N weighted-vertices and N-1 edges into three parts such that the maximum of the sum of weights of all the vertices in each of the parts is minimized. This is the actual problem i am trying to solve,

I considered the following method

/*Edges are stored in an array E, and also in an adjacency matrix for depth first search.
Every edge in E has two attributes a and b which are the nodes of the edge*/
min-max = infinity
for i -> 0 to length(E):
   for j -> i+1 to length(E):
     /*Call depth first search on the nodes of both the edges E[i] and E[j]
     the depth first search returns the sum of weights of the vertices it visits,
     we keep track of the maximum weight returned by dfs*/
     Adjacency-matrix[E[i].a][E[i].b] = 0;
     Adjacency-matrix[E[j].a][E[j].b] = 0;
     max = 0
     temp = dfs(E[i].a) 
     if temp > max then max = temp
     temp = dfs(E[i].b) 
     if temp > max then max = temp
     temp = dfs(E[i].a) 
     if temp > max then max = temp
     temp = dfs(E[i].a) 
     if temp > max then max = temp

     if max < min-max
        min-max = max
     Adjacency-matrix[E[i].a][E[i].b] = 1;
     Adjacency-matrix[E[j].a][E[j].b] = 1;
    /*The depth first search is called four times but it will terminate one time
   if we keep track of the visited vertices because there are only three components*/

  /*After the outer loop terminates what we have in min-max will be the answer*/

The above algorithm takes O(n^3) time, as the number of edges will be n-1 the outer loop will run (n-1)! times that takes O(n^2) the dfs will visit each vertex only one so that is O(n) time.

But the problem is that n can be <= 3000 and O(n^3) time is not good for this problem. Is there any other method which will calculate the solve the question in the link faster than n^3?


I implemented @BorisStrandjev's algorithm in c, it gave me a correct answer for the test input in the question, but for all other test inputs it gives a wrong answer, here is a link to my code in ideone, the output here should be 390 but the program prints 395.

I am trying to find if i have made any mistake in my code but i dont see any. Can anyone please help me here the answers my code gave are very close to the correct answer so is there anything more to the algorithm?


In the following graph-

enter image description here @BorisStrandjev, your algorithm will chose i as 1, j as 2 in one of the iterations, but then the third part (3,4) is invalid.


I finally got the mistake in my code, instead of V[i] storing sum of i and all its descendants it stored V[i] and its ancestors, otherwise it would solve the above example correctly, thanks to all of you for your help.


  • Yes there is faster method.

    I will need few auxiliary matrices and I will leave their creation and initialization in correct way to you.

    First of all plant the tree - that is make the graph directed. Calculate array VAL[i] for each vertex - the amount of passengers for a vertex and all its descendants (remember we planted, so now this makes sense). Also calculate the boolean matrix desc[i][j] that will be true if vertex i is descendant of vertex j. Then do the following:

    best_val = n
    for i in 1...n
      for j in i + 1...n
        val_of_split = 0
        val_of_split_i = VAL[i]
        val_of_split_j = VAL[j]
        if desc[i][j] val_of_split_j -= VAL[i] // subtract all the nodes that go to i
        if desc[j][i] val_of_split_i -= VAL[j]
        val_of_split = max(val_of_split, val_of_split_i)
        val_of_split = max(val_of_split, val_of_split_j)
        val_of_split = max(val_of_split, n - val_of_split_i - val_of_split_j)
        best_val  = min(best_val, val_of_split)

    After the execution of this cycle the answer will be in best_val. the algorithm is clearly O(n^2) you just need to figure out how to calculate desc[i][j] and VAL[i] in such complexity, but it is not so complex a task, I think you can figure it out yourself.

    EDIT Here I will include the code for the whole problem in pseudocode. I deliberately did not include the code before the OP tried and solved it by himself:

    int p[n] := // initialized from the input - price of the node itself
    adjacency_list neighbors := // initialized to store the graph adjacency list
    int VAL[n] := { 0 } // the price of a node and all its descendants
    bool desc[n][n] := { false } // desc[i][j] - whether i is descendant of j
    boolean visited[n][n] := {false} // whether the dfs visited the node already
    stack parents := {empty-stack}; // the stack of nodes visited during dfs
    dfs ( currentVertex ) {
       VAL[currentVertex] = p[currentVertex]
       visited[currentVertex] = true
       for vertex : parents // a bit extended stack definition supporting iteration
           desc[currentVertex][vertex] = true
       for vertex : adjacency_list[currentVertex]
           if visited[vertex] continue
           dfs (currentvertex)
           VAL[currentVertex] += VAL[vertex]
    calculate_best ( )
        best_val = n
        for i in 0...(n - 1)
          for j in i + 1...(n - 1)
            val_of_split = 0
            val_of_split_i = VAL[i]
            val_of_split_j = VAL[j]
            if desc[i][j] val_of_split_j -= VAL[i]
            if desc[j][i] val_of_split_i -= VAL[j]
            val_of_split = max(val_of_split, val_of_split_i)
            val_of_split = max(val_of_split, val_of_split_j)
            val_of_split = max(val_of_split, n - val_of_split_i - val_of_split_j)
            best_val  = min(best_val, val_of_split)
        return best_val

    And the best split will be {descendants of i} \ {descendants of j}, {descendants of j} \ {descendants of i} and {all nodes} \ {descendants of i} U {descendants of j}.