Search code examples

Check occurrence of word appearing in datatable column

I have the data below in a datatable this is example data. I would like get the occurrence of 12,13 in the datatable as normally there would be 10-20 million row in the datatable.

Customer  |  quantity  |  Product  | Code 

1         |  3         |  Product  | 12 
2         |  4         |  Product  | 13 
3         |  1         |  Product  | 12 
4         |  6         |  Product  | 13 


  • how about simple for each loop

    private int getCount(int yourSearchDigit)
        int counter = 0;
        foreach (DataRow dr in youDataTable.Rows)
            if (Convert.ToInt32(dr["Code"]) == yourSearchDigit)
        return counter;