I am trying to get django to show pictures. Ive installed PIL and it seams to work. i am running py 2.7, win 7, the developement server and sqlite3
my static root:
STATIC_ROOT = r'H:/netz2/skateproject/static/'
ive got a background picture in this folder and can acces it via
now im trying to upload a pic via an image field & the admin. it works fine, the picture lands in the right folder (ive changed the folders a million times by now to see if that could be the problem) but the picture can not be displayed.
part of my model:
class Sk8(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=50, default='name of the model')
bild1 = models.ImageField(upload_to="uploads/")
my media root:
MEDIA_ROOT = r'H:/netz2/skateproject/media/'
the picture lands in the right folder. netz/skateproject/media/pic.jpg
but it seams like localhost can not acces this folder. when i try - i get an 404 and django tells me that the url does not match anything i defined in my urls. which is true - but neither did I define a url for the background image in the static folder - and i can access this one just fine.
ive also tried to acces the file from my html template, like this:
{% extends "grundgerüst.html" %}
{% block inhalt %}
<div id='skatelist'>
{% for sk8 in skates %}
<p><a href="/skates/{{sk8.slug}}/">{{sk8}}</a></p>
<p><img src="{{sk8.bild.url}}"/></p>
{% endfor %}
{% endblock %}
obviously the picture does not show up.
I dont know what is wrong here. i guess i shoudl be able to see the pic on localhost? heres a pic of the error chrome gives me
if i.e. in the picture the folders are different than the ones in the code example its because i changed them testing different settings.
I really hope somebody can help me to figure out image_field, cause uploading pictures if i cant display them does not make much sense :)
thanks in advance!!! danielll
ouh and - i already tried google and django reference etc. i honestly could not figure it out that way. every help appreciated!
Django's contrib.staticfiles app will monkeypatch your urls to serve static files when in DEBUG mode [ref]. Unfortunately the same cannot be said of media files.
Add the following snippet to your project urls.py to display media
django.conf import settings
if settings.DEBUG:
urlpatterns += patterns('',
url(r'^media/(?P<path>.*)$', 'django.views.static.serve', {
'document_root': settings.MEDIA_ROOT,